How to Do Your Own Make-Up On Photoshop:

Before and After Fixed

This morning, I have decided to select an image of me with my eyes closed and use Photoshop to color my cheeks a light-reddish color, as well as choosing a blue or purple eye shadow for my eyes and nominate a pink color for my lips. All of these I have listed are easy to do on Photoshop. If you are new to using the program, I will provide you with some assistance on how to work with your eyes, lips and cheeks:

#1: After I selected my image, I clicked at the bottom right “New Layer” and appointed a blue or light purple eye shadow color for my eyes. Once I fill in the color, I will move my mouse to the right screen where there it says “Normal.” After you click on “Normal,” you can either choose “Multiply or Color” for your eye shadow, in which, I selected “color.”

#2: You create a new layer after you have finished using a color for your eyes. In order to get blushed cheeks, you click on the box where it has color in it at the bottom on the left hand side. Select a color and one you colorize where you would apply the blushed color to your cheek, click on “Normal” and use, again, either multiply or color.

This is one of the ways how to do your own make-up on Photoshop. If you have any questions, feel free to comment.